Video Interaction Guidance

What is VIG?

Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is a great way to improve relationships. I’ve found it to be extraordinarily effective even in the most strained of parent/child relationships. It is also successful in supporting staff who need to have sensitive or difficult conversations within the workplace. Watch the video below for a very helpful explanation of how it works:

Video used with the kind permission of Kent Psychological Services.

You may read even more about VIG at the website of the Association of Video Interaction Guidance UK.



For private individuals I offer VIG at a reduced rate of just £360 per cycle. The price includes:
  • filming
  • editing
  • review of the film with the client

This normally takes place over the course of a month. It costs approximately the same as a month of standard counselling with me. Please note that a full course of VIG usually consists of three or four cycles, over several months, to be completely effective. However, your commitment is to only one cycle at a time. If you feel that VIG is not for you, you may stop at the end of any cycle.

Professional & Public Services

For  referrals from professional and public services, I offer VIG at a standard rate of £390 per cycle, negotiable depending on the number of clients and cycles contracted.