I saw this beautiful, almost poetic article about how change and transitions impact us. Facing uncertainty and the unknown raises lots of questions and fears for us. We are in strange territory and might not even recognise ourselves. We might feel lost, unmoored from our usual way of being. We’re evolving, growing, responding and taking new turnings. There are risks, doubts and opportunities. Wherever you are on your journey, the black night of despair and not daring to hope, or having travelled and trying to make sense of where you are, even who you are now, there is hope, be assured. I look forward to meeting you and travelling with you on this next stage of your change and transitions. Contact me here for an initial assessment.
Category Archives: article
Coping with Shame
Shame can be a crippling and limiting experience. Yet it is part of the human condition and has understandable roots. I found this article particularly helpful. If this article strikes a nerve, contact Joy to find support in working through the issues.
Online Counselling over Zoom
“I’ve been having therapy over Zoom for a month and it’s completely changed my perspective”
This article gives a flavour of how counselling remotely might work for you and those you care about.
Since the Covid-19 crisis started, I’ve been trained in ways of providing online counselling to maintain social distancing. As a result, I have developed a way of delivering therapy to adults, young people and children using video conferencing, such as Zoom.
I have found that I can still provide effective opportunities for talking therapies and creative approaches to counselling.
Being cooped-up together can lead to an intensifying of difficulties in family life, so I’m pleased that I can also continue to offer support for family issues, for instance, providing space for exploring and strengthening the parent-child bond.
Please contact me for support.
Police Mental Health Support
Mindfulness is a very popular practise for mental health and wellbeing. While some people might be suspicious of its roots in organised religion, it actually has a very strong, clinical evidence-base. A great place to start is the Headspace app or website which teaches you the basics for free.
Mindfulness is excellent for maintaining wellbeing but counselling is sometimes required to achieve a reasonable level of wellbeing in the first place. I am a counsellor approved by the Police Firearms Officers Association and have supported some officers sponsored through their welfare programme. I also live and work less than a mile from Hampshire Constabulary’s Basingstoke Police Investigation Centre.
If you are in any of the uniformed public services and need support, not just about your duties but domestically as well, please call Joy for a free, initial appointment.
Stress affects our physical bodies
Stress affects our physical bodies, though most of us don’t realise just how much. I came across this excellent article examining this link and explaining it in everyday language. What is your body trying to tell you? Counselling is a great way of exploring life and relationships so that you can reduce the stress in your life. Contact Joy for a free initial consultation.
A boy’s creative response to his mother’s illness
I came across this inspirational family who are showing how children (and adults!) can use the written word and drawing to express their feelings.
Bullying. Young or old, it happens to us all.
Information and advice about bullying, including cyber bullying, bullying at work and how a counsellor can help you.
Continue reading Bullying. Young or old, it happens to us all.
Worried About Your Child’s Mental Health?
Talking to your child about your concerns is really important because it shows you care.
Please read this affirming article which expresses everything that I am about: Worried About Your Child’s Mental Health? Here’s What to Do Next
Domestic Abuse Storyline in the Archers
The Archers: What effect has the Rob and Helen domestic abuse story had?
Source: BBC The Archers: What effect has the Rob and Helen story had?
This Archer’s story has been timed and sensitively crafted to fit in with new legislation on controlling or coercive behaviour which came into effect in December 2015. Many news organisations have been reporting on the story’s significance, particularly recently when it reached a climax as desperate Helen sought to escape from her abusive husband Rob.
The powerful dynamics of relationships like these are often secret. Stigma, shame, fear and loyalty hold people like Helen in a powerful vice. And it’s not just women and it’s not just heterosexual relationships.
If all this feels painfully familiar ask yourself: “Who am I in this scenario? The victim, the perpetrator, the child of an abusive relationship, the friend or relative of someone struggling?” Sometimes we even have more than one role. As sufferers of abuse, we can then go onto abuse others.
With courage, your second question could be: “How am I going to break this vicious cycle?”
See the support agencies listed in the BBC article and contact Joy to get support with making sense of what is happening in your life and how you can find a way to safe and healthy relationships.
People Open Up About Why They Visited A Counsellor
There are many reasons people need help – and there’s no shame in seeking it out.
Source: People Open Up About Why They’ve Been To A Counsellor